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Review: Horacio Printing 2015 Planner

Oh my lovelies, you're in for a treat today!

Let me introduce you to something I'm incredibly excited about! Ready?.....

ONE... TWO... THREE...

This planner from Horacio Printing is a blessing for all Christian women (and men!) wanting to give back to the Lord. I mean this because there is a hand-picked Bible verse placed on the top of every week's open page. This is fabulous for weekly reflections; also if (like me!) your busy life get's in the way of your time with God, then you have a constant physical reminder to spend some time with Him.

If you're like me, and you carry your diary/planner around with you constantly (like it's your lifeline!), then it is very easy to whip it out while on the train, waiting for your meal to heat up or for your lesson/lecture to start. This is also a great time for you to refocus and thank Him for the day He's mercifully given you.

Trust me, this planner has SO many fabulous features! I feel like I could rave about it all day! Because I have so many things I want to tell you about this planner, I'm going to summarise it into a few brief dotpoints:

  • The front cover is a slice of sleek, shiny, typographical heaven. It will make you feel like a pinterest princess or a fashion affluent!

  • One of the first pages of the planner is a 2015 Bucket List. I know that I will be using this for both spiritual and physical things I'd like to achieve this year. As they say, completing a list of small goals brings you closer to a goal that seems out of your reach!

  • There are a few planning pages at the beginning of the planner which will help you seek direction and focus not only on your day-to-day life, but on your future.

  • You are gently brought into each new season with a welcome and a short prayer or Bible verse.

  • Monthly view.

  • One week to two pages (or one week to a spread).

  • The planner has little breaks to refocus and rededicate your life to Him - e.g. Praise Reports and Generosity Planning.

May the Lord bless you and keep you,

Miss Bella Grace xoxo

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