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Modesty with Cultivating Heart

Let me introduce you to one of my favourite Christian Sisters. We have known each other, through family, since we were little. I always looked up to her and lately we have been getting closer by talking about Jesus and how He is working in our life.

She is a beautiful (literally and metaphorically!) Christian lady. Her name is Rachael, and she is the author of the wonderful “Cultivating Heart” blog. Today she will be sharing with us some suggestions for keeping modest in this Christmas season. But first, let me introduce the lovely Rachael.

Please tell us a little about yourself - what is your testimony?

A little bit about me… oh! I am Rachael. I just turned 21 and finished my first year of being a ‘real’ teacher, with a class of sweet year 4 students. I am the eldest of 10 children, with wonderful Godly parents. God took me by surprise by bringing an incredibly handsome, servant-hearted man named Kaleb into my life in the middle of this year – truly filling my heart’s desire for a companion to share life and love God with.

It is a gift that I have Godly heritage in my family’s history, and I cannot remember life without Jesus. Since my tween years, I have enjoyed serving in the churches my family and I have attended, particularly in children’s ministry and music ministry. It is such a privilege to honour God because of the great love that He has poured out on me – completely undeserved. During my teen years, I struggled at many times to keep my heart solely focused on Jesus Christ. Though outwardly my life appeared completely dedicated, my heart fought lust and dreamt too much of fulfilling my longings in the attentions of young men.

How He has and is changing me! The last four years of my life since I graduated highschool have looked nothing like what I pictured they would. The journey has seen me cry many tears, and stomp my feet at God, and ask Him what on earth He thought He was doing… but slowly I see. His ways are higher than mine, and I’m learning about being flexible as He exchanges my plans for His better… greater… more wonderful ones.

How has writing your blog helped fulfil your testimony?

I am passionate about young women and sharing what God is teaching me with them. I love blogging and social media for the opportunity to encourage other young women who struggle with similar desires to mine (because so many do! You are not alone!). Blogging and writing also give me the opportunity to truly think deeply into what I believe and what the Lord is teaching me.

When did you start writing your blog, and what’s it about? Where can we find it?

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My blog has taken a few different forms over about 3 years now – from ‘heldbyHishand’ to ‘The HELD Blog’ and now ‘Cultivating Heart’. There are lots of little random tidbits of my life there – from journal style reflections, to favourite books and music, thoughts about teaching, fashion and decorating ideas, and much of Jesus. You can find my blog at

So, now you know about Rachael, here is her guest post about ‘modesty’:

Dressing modestly with modern style can be a difficulty for girls who love God – at least, it is for me! Particularly as the weather warms up here in Australia, dresses seem to get shorter, shorts smaller, and tops tighter. The challenge therefore is to look through stores and your wardrobe carefully to put together outfits that are fun and fresh for the Christmas events you have coming up – while keeping covered up and with out breaking your bank account!

Before I share a few practical tips, here’s one thing to remember – modest dress starts in your heart. Just like plastering on a smile does not mean you have joy, wearing modest clothing appropriately does not make a woman modest. Her gentle heart and spirit full of God’s love are simply reflected in what she wears and how she dresses with dignity – this is what it truly means to dress modestly.

So, here we go – three practical ways to dress modestly this Christmas!

#1) Wear dresses

Okay, so I know they are not everyone’s cup of tea, but I love dresses. One-piece outfit? Throw it on and DONE! A modest dress that comes to my knee is so easy to wear. I don’t have to worry about a shirt riding up or a waistband moving down. My core collection of favourite dresses simply gets rotated with different accessories regularly. Dresses in solid colours or simple patterns are easier to accessories with – though bright and crazy can be fun!

Need to buy a dress or two? Try something like…

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#2) Add little layers

Sometimes I pick up bargains or receive hand-me-round clothes that are just a little bit… low, or short, or [insert problem here!]. Some of these pieces just need is a camisole, bandeau or pair of leggings underneath to give you a little bit more ease and modesty. These are the cheapest options of fixing up and making modest things you already have.

Pick them up in most department stores… or online!




#3) Have fun!

Seeking a mission of modesty can sometimes end in a list of rules – dos, don’t’s, cans and can’ts. However, I believe this is not the heart of modesty. Modesty is about glorifying God with your body by dressing with dignity. I believe modest clothing not only reveals the beauty and wonder of God to a fallen world, but should make it easier for us to live out our mission of sharing the Good News of Christ. By that, I mean – you should be able to sit down, stand up, move around, dance, play with little children, help prepare a meal… do all of these things without fear or worry of revealing the sacred parts of who you are to the world.

Get creative in showing your personality through the way you dress – just like these beautiful, Godly women!

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Merry Christmas girls! Have a wonderful summer celebrating Jesus.

xx Rachael

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