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A Prayer for the Festive Season

It's easy to forget the reason for the festive season.

Especially in this year, 2014, when the world moves so fast, and it's difficult enough to catch your breath in the speed of it all.

Whether you are a constant prayerful sister, or someone like me who finds it difficult and awkward to pray, find the time in your day to say a quick word of thanks.

Find things in your day to be thankful for.

The bud that is opening slowly

The star that blinks itself to sleep

The constant ebb and flow of your breath

The sun that rises over the horizon and wakes up the day

The snowflake that lands on the tip of your nose

The breeze on a hot summers day

Lord Jesus, thank you for everything You do.

Thank you for the world you gave me.

Thank you for your son, Jesus.

Thank you that I am alive

that I am free

that I am loved

Help me, Father, to remember what we celebrate at this time of year.

Help me to draw closer to you.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray


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